Legal Solutions for Today and Tomorrow
Do you have a legal question? Situations can come up leaving you wondering what’s legal and what is not and what your options are. Perhaps you are facing employment discrimination or just looking to purchase your first house? Do you want to adopt as an LGBT parent or set up a living will for yourself? Regardless of your needs, the legal process can be intimidating. Most people come to me with a list of questions and concerns.
I'm Leslie Farber, and the Law office of Leslie A. Farber, Attorney at Law will provide you with outstanding legal advice and representation. I will keep you involved every step of the way. I will guide you through the process and resolve the conflict with practical real world solutions and an eye towards the future. Every aspect of our lives is intertwined and it is important that the decisions we make today serve us well tomorrow. I want to do more than simply build an attorney-client relationship. I want to build a relationship you can depend on for support and solutions as your situation and needs evolve.
Pre-nuptials today, estate planning tomorrow. I’m here for you.
Avvo rates more than 95% of licensed attorneys in the United States.
Leslie Farber scores 9.9 out of 10.
"Ms. Farber has been our attorney for years and has worked FOR and WITH us in varied legal situations. She is tenacious, incredibly astute with today’s laws and she won’t “sugar coat” anything. Her experience in state and national legislation only adds to her impeccable acumen. I can honestly say, I would not be married today if it weren’t for her! I could go on and on about her legal prowess...go and find out for yourself!"